Systematic Security

Head Office Number : 020 8578 1935


The Modern Slavery Act 2015 was introduced by the UK government to address slavery and human trafficking. Modern slavery can occur in various forms including servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking and can affect both children and adults.

This statement sets out Systematic Security Ltd’s understanding of the potential risks. This statement refers to the period 1st February 2023 to 31st January 2024.

We are committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our activities and to ensuring that supply chains are also free from slavery and human trafficking.

We undergo external audits from various bodies which ensure we maintain the highest standards and the wellbeing of our employees. We are certificated to

  1. SIA Approved Contractor status
  2. Constructionline
  3. Safe Contractor
  4. ISO 9001
  5. ISO 14001
  6. NSI Silver for the Provision of Labour in the Security and Events Sector

We provide security guarding as well as mobile patrol and keyholding services in England, Scotland and Wales.

When sourcing suppliers we always seek suppliers, who are

  1. able to respond to changing needs and priorities
  2. able to take the lead in developing innovative service and product solution
  3. able to identify, communicate and effectively manage problems in a proactive fashion
  4. proactive in the use of modern technology, improving efficiency and ‘driving down the cost of administration’
  5. financially stable.

We also consider their approach to business in particular those relating to the use of child or forced labour, fair pay for employees. We also look at their approach to health and safety and the safety of their employees and the relevant regulations. All suppliers go through a rigorous selection process evaluating their capabilities.

We recognise that recruitment within security is a high-risk activity and comply with BS 7858 which includes proof of identity and proof of address checks as well as a full 5 year background check and a credit check. All security officers are required to hold a current SIA Licence issued by the Security Industry Authority and they also undertake checks both before issuing a licence and ongoing throughout the life of that Licence. Should employees be transferred into Systematic Security Ltd through TUPE we also undertake due diligence in all cases.

Responsibility for our initiatives rest with the Managing Director supported by the HR Manager and Compliance Officer.

There are a number of policies that help us to control our approach namely

  1. Whistle blowing policy
  2. Supply chain policy
  3. Recruitment policy
  4. Business ethics policy
  5. Employee handbook



Managing Director

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