Commitment to quality
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- Commitment to Quality

Systematic Security Ltd has developed and continually improves a Quality Management System (QMS).
The purpose of the Quality Management System is to ensure that the products and services provided to our customers consistently meet or exceed their expectations. The company operates a system that regularly evaluates its processes and customer needs and has set quantifiable goals with plans in place to ensure that they are improved year on year for continual improvement in accordance with ISO 9001 – Quality Management System.
It is the policy of Systematic Security Ltd to maintain, on a continual basis, an effectively managed Quality Management System, which will assure customers that the products supplied meet our customers’ expectations.
Top Management of Systematic Security Ltd is firmly committed to ensuring that the Quality Management System remains effective thus ensuring the business continues to grow.
The Management team share responsibility for ensuring that aspects of the Quality Management System become part of the day-to-day operations and all new staff are inducted into this ethos. Site based personnel are recruited in the belief that they share these common goals and are given the necessary tools to provide the promised services.
We continually look to our peers and industry experts as well as the security industry authority in instilling “best practices into the business”.
Systematic Security Ltd will make this Policy available to all stakeholders, shareholders, staff and general public on request.
Afzal Mir
Managing Director